The closing conference was due to be held in Budapest in December 2020. It was delayed and held as an online meeting on January 13th and 14th 2021 due to issues around the management of the COVID-19 epidemic. This has led to pressures on all the hospitals involved in this project and limited both their availability and their ability to create change in the day surgery pathway.

The IAAS and HAAS would like to thank all involved in working hard on their local projects despite the pressures they were under. It is a credit to the hospitals and their staff.

There was excellent attendance at both days of the Conference with 120 Registered and active participation from the IAAS, HAAS, the EU, the hospitals, the Hungarian authorities including the Health Insurance Fund.

The day started with welcome messages from


  • Prof. Dr. Gamal Eldin Mohamed – Project leader, SRSS project; President of HAAS, Past President of IAAS
  • Mr. Florin Popa, EU Commission, Directorate General for Structural Reform Support Committee
  • Prof. Dr. Douglas McWhinnie, President IAAS – Chair of the project’s Scientific Committee
  • Mrs. Gabriella Pal – Head of Department – e-Health Coordination Department, Department of Health Development Policy, Ministry of Human Capacities


Dr.Hollósi Antal
Dr.Küttel Péter
Dr.Szikora Gyula
Dr.Ferencz Andrea
Dr.Perduk András
Dr.Ledniczky György
Dr.Darvas Katalin
Dr.Dinyáné Zsibrita Mária
 Németh Gabriella
Dr.Kovács Péter
Dr.Iring András
Dr. Tóth Judit
Dr.Tamás György
Dr.Erdélyi László
Dr.Gombos Katalin
Dr.Gulyás Károly
Dr.Szentléleki Károly
 Wéber György
Dr.Pataki Attila
Dr.Iharos Dóra
Dr.Balsay Zoltán
Földi Ildikó
Dr.Lázár László
Dr.Radics Sándor
Dr.Kisimre László
Dr.Kisimréné Györkös Ágnes
Dr.Szilágyi Mária
Dr.Bayer Hedvig
 Leviczky Anikó
Dr.Csoszánszki Nóra
Dr.Majzik Ernő
Dr.Túri József
Dr.Mojzes Szonja
Dr.Sándor István
Prof. Dr.Furka István
Prof. Dr.Mikó Irén
Dr.Vasas Norbert
Dr.Becsei László
Dr.Kovácsné Balogh Ildikó
Dr.Somodi Krisztián 
Dr.Szentágotai Attiláné 
Ilk Balázs Ferenc 
Dr.Bíró Adrienn
Dr.Kerekes György
Dr.Svéda Szabolcs István
Dr.Horváth Zsolt
Kovácsné Szabó Edit
Makráné Juhász Tünde
Dr.Kincses László
Dr.Nagy Z. Zsolt
Dr.Kovács József Ferenc
Dr.Mátrai Gábor
Dr.Szalmás Attila
Dr.Tóth Dezső
Dr.Botos Ákos
Kató-Nagy Szilvia
Dr.Francz Monika
Dr. Tillmann Zsolt
Dr.Fábos Zoltán
Pónusz Róbert
 Tornai Zoltán
 Ávár Ildikó Dóra
Kozmáné Farkas Katalin 
Dr.Kulcsár Dániel  
Soósné Varga Tímea  
Dr.Sztancs György
Dr.Klemencsics Zoltánné Budánovics Noémi
Dr.Balika Zoltán
Dr.Dobos Éva
Dr.Lőrincz István
Dr.Cserna Géza
Tasiné Nagy Anita
Lászai Edit
Batkáné Sztoics Éva
Rack Ildikó
 Juhász Emese
Dr.Bakos Gábor 
Dr.Rajháthy Kornél 
Dr.Kandár Zoltán 
Svédáné Sztrakay Krisztina 
Pollmann Judit 
Selmeisterné Segesdi Judit
Dr.Lovas Barna
Marosi Zoltánné
Dr.Szántó Zoltán
Dr.Sütő Dénes
Dr.Szabó Noémi             
Dr.Pintér Zsófia              
Dr.Somogyi József         
Dr.Kismarosi Tibor           
Dr.Ruttner Pál                 
Dr.Boha Zsófia                
Dr.Ihász Miklós               
Dr.Kovács Balázs            
Dr.Engert Zoltán
Dr.Halász Csaba
Dr.László Levente
Dr.Futó Gábor
Dr.Bokor Gabriella
Dr.Klemencsics Zoltán
Horváth-Kaiser Cecília
Dr.Szarvas Tibor
Dr.Kruppai Ferenc
Jobban Eszter
János Marianna
Dr.Thoman András
Dr.Kecskés Gábor
Dr.Vermes Tamás
Dr.Hubay Zsolt
Dr.Bánsági Gábor
 Bíró Márta
 Nagyné Graman Judit
Dr.Szabó György
 Raskó Zsuzsanna
 Szívósné Vakulya-Vereb Lídia   
 Papp Tamás
 Garzó Péter
Bakos Krisztina
 Töltősi Evelin
Dr.Szabó György

Outcomes from the Conference

During the first day (January 13th, 2021) of the Closing Meeting, the 8 target hospitals gave positive reports about their intentions and plan to build dedicated day surgery activities and units, of course with the possible support from the healthcare authorities. This was the main goal that the Project reached. The second day of the meeting was mainly devoted to the presentations of the healthcare policymakers. The State Secretary of Health in the Ministry of Human Capacities (MOHC) and the representative of the National Insurance Health Fund showed the commitment of the health care authorities to develop day surgery and give all the support needed to begin the organization and implementation of day surgery all across Hungary, using the results and recommendations of the SRSS Project forwarded by the IAAS and HAAS.

The overall summary of the Project achievements is that it was successful in meeting all the requirements, purposes, aims and outcomes enrolled in the SRSS Agreement. It is recognised by the Hungarian Healthcare authorities as a framework to open the nationwide negotiations to serve the process of implementation of high quality and safe day surgery in Hungary.

Final comment from Professor Douglas McWhinnie, IAAS President

Sustainability is key to the success of any project and one pillar of this is continuing support until a project can be self-sustaining. The COVID-19 pandemic has limited some of the support that was planned during this project and limited the amount of effort and time each hospital has been able to apply to changing their pathways.

For day surgery to progress it is important that future support is planned for the staff in the 8 hospitals and for all units across Hungary. The multidisciplinary team represented by nurses, surgeons, anaesthetists and managers are just starting out on their day surgery journey and continued support will pay dividends. This would be best served by cooperation between the MOHC, EU Commission, IAAS and HAAS.

In the meantime, the IAAS remain committed to supporting the 8 hospitals as much as we can. Online support by IAAS experts especially when planning the design of pathways, design of new facilities etc is quite easy to organise due to the breadth of experience across the IAAS. If future face to face meetings or training sessions were requested, then the IAAS could look at this, however it is important that this is part of plans for development of day surgery supported by the Ministry.