Individual Membership
In countries that have no active day surgery association that is linked to the IAAS individuals may apply for Associate or Corresponding membership.
Organization Membership
Organizations may apply for Full, Associate or Corresponding membership.
*Applications for all categories of membership are subject to approval by the IAAS General Assembly.
• All categories of membership have access to the general benefits of IAAS membership.
• All categories of membership can be involved in IAAS projects.
• All categories of membership have access to closed sites on the IAAS website.
• All members of all categories are able to attend the 2 yearly Advisory Assembly held at the biennial International Congress.
Full Membership
- Can appoint two delegates (with one vote each) to attend the annual IAAS General Assembly meeting.
- Expenses to attend General Assembly meetings paid for the two delegates.
- A delegate to the General Assembly may become a member of the Executive Committee by election and from there, by election, an officer of the IAAS.
- Except in the most exceptional circumstances, only one Full Member is permitted from any one country.
Associate Membership
- No delegates to the General Assembly.
- Exceptionally, by invitation of the General Assembly, a person from an Associate Member organization may attend a General Assembly meeting as an observer or co-opted member but has no voting rights.
- No expenses to attend meetings are paid.
- No member from an Associate Member organization is eligible to stand for election to the Executive Committee.
- Associate Membership may be applied for from an organization from a country that already has a Full or another Associate Member.
Corresponding Membership
- Only open to organizations and individuals from developing countries.
- Justification for this class of membership must be provided by the applicant.
- Membership in this category is reviewed annually by the General Assembly.
- No delegates to the General Assembly.
- No expenses to attend meetings are paid.
- No member from a Corresponding Member organization is eligible to stand for election to the Executive Committee.
- Notwithstanding the above, Corresponding Members are eligible and encouraged to attend meetings of the General Assembly as a participating observer, but without expenses or voting rights.
Application for membership
All applications should be made on the appropriate form which can be downloaded from the link below. Completed forms should be sent to the President. Applications will be considered at the next meeting of the General Assembly.
Application forms