The IAAS has been part of projects that have received grants from the EU and has been contracted by the EU to support projects developing ambulatory surgery.
The most recent project with the Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS) of the European Commission to develop and promote ambulatory surgery in 8 hospitals in Central Hungary. The SRSS helps EU countries to design and carry out structural reforms as part of their efforts to support job creation and sustainable growth.
The initial ‘kick-off’ meeting was held on May 3rd 2019 at the Ministry of Human Capacities in Budapest and was introduced by Professor Horvath, State Secretary of Health who has pledged high-level ministerial support for this project. Although the proposal was initiated by the Hungarian Government, the IAAS was the EU’s contracted provider with local assistance from the Hungarian Association of Ambulatory Surgery (HAAS). The IAAS initially undertook benchmarking of the ambulatory facilities and ambulatory pathways in the 8 hospitals in Central Hungary followed by site visits later in the year. The project then provided training for ambulatory personnel through Teach the Trainer courses to facilitate the modernisation and sustainability of their ambulatory services. The final outcome at the end of the 18 month project was to formulate a strategic framework policy on ambulatory surgery for the Hungarian Government.
This project is the IAAS 4th collaboration with the EU to deliver quality improvements in Ambulatory Surgery in member countries. Our previous successful initiatives included:-‘Day Surgery:Making it Happen’, ‘Day Surgery Data Project’, and the ‘Daysafe’ project.